Stop by this weekend and get a bag of our special edition, Into the Woods blend. Proceeds will go to the Sauk Prairie Theatre Guild’s July production of Into the Woods! It’s a hearty blend, that wander’s into some dark places, only to have a bright, hopeful, finish.
One of the most exciting part’s of this show for us, is the cast. Starring in this show, are some of our absolute favorite people. In. The. World. Marita Kelter, Lindsey Giese, Meg Aspinwall, and many others have been big supporters of ours, and absolutely glorious people. And it is a pleasure to work with them, the Guild and director Rauel LaBreche, even if barely.
One of the Leads is Matt Brennan. A very special person to us personally, and a very fun person to tease. He is a humble baker in this show, but an absolute prince of a person. He tends to take on too much, makes no where near as much as he deserves, and too often ends up deeply asleep at 9 o’clock on his couch. He is one of the finest educators we’ve ever met, and maybe more importantly, is a genuine leader of people. Needless to say, when I say he is a bed wetter, he doesn’t care, because from where he sits, it doesn’t matter what the little people say.
He has been through a lot this month, and given everything that he possibly could. And in July, he is going to be a fantastic baker. Support the arts. Here, there, everywhere.