Starting last September, when JJC business involved me, absolutely filling a dumpster with every removable and un-useable piece of our building, our goal was to bring life and joy to this corner of Van Buren St. It wasn’t easy, often smelly, always, seemingly, distant in the future (it still feels completely surreal), and a joyful and life affirming journey.
We continue to have fun, even on the slowest, quietest day, where we work on projects, so completely unrelated to coffee, that you wonder what kind of company we are. That is our interest though, in everything, and anything that brings us joy. This curious nature brought us to coffee in the first place, so we’ve learned to follow it, anywhere it might take us.
When my Aunt, Kathy Kelter, moved to town last winter, she brought with her something from our past. A pinball machine! This machine was a staple in the basements of my childhood, stirring up our competitions, involving cousins and brothers, aunts, uncles, parents, and friends. It has the best of 1970’s mechanical effects, and wonderful rhythmic chimes and drums. And now it works again.
One might not think that a pinball machine would be hard to repair, right up until they were to open one up. If you are ever feeling like a nice humbling experience, try talking to a Pinball repair man, as he tells you how easy it is to fix it, if you ever need to. Luckily, we don’t have to, we have him, his name is Garrett, and he is brilliant.
So, we have a Pinball machine now. Because Joy.
Brennen/Kelter/JJC Crew … you all bring a great deal of JOY to the neighborhood 🙂 The delicious coffee and wacky pinball machine are added bonus!